Steve's Web Site

Yep, my life, on a web page!


Are you sure you want to see these?!?!

Well, it doesn't take much for the person who normally is camera shy to be caught in uncompromising situations. I am slowly but surely getting this gallery going. Here will be the photos that are interesting, but yet embarrassing! Thank goodness no one has a photo of that one time at the...

May 2005 - Who Knows When

Massive alcohol table
Corey & Veronica Lynch & Veronica drinking at the table
Jake and Corey feeling woosey!
Corey all happy without a beer in his hand Brian doing is favorite move
Brian and Ben waterfalling beers Brian flicking off Ben while Ashley gets out of the way Ben hold a 7 of hearts for sociables
Ben and Lynch, um yeah Ben pretending to be Drunk Ben taking pictures of himself
Ben still taking more photos of himself    


There aren't any photos of me naked, and for you men, of course there are several photos of me drinking, or being drunk, or being caught in bad situation.